Sunday, February 10, 2013

Psycho Analyzed

Well I was just psycho analyzed for the past 2 hours by one of my friends. It was crazy how accurate she was. I looked at 5 pictures and described what I saw and what I thought was going on. Turns out I have real issues. Not like major ones where I need meds or anything. I'm just defensive and don't like emotional girls because I view emotions as a sign of weakness. Guess I'm crazy. Apparently it's hard for guys to like me because I have such a dominant personality. Again....foreveralone. I get along with guys way better than girls because girls are too emotional and I have more in common with guys. But that is why I am always the friend and never the girlfriend. Oh well. It was still kinda cool seeing her get all this information out of me just from a couple of pictures. I wouldn't mind doing that once a week lol Just to talk things through and get them off my chest. Anyways, hope everyone had a great Sunday!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sunny Saturday

Today was a great day! Yeah I'm being serious this time. The only thing that sucked was waking up early. I had a water polo game at 8:25 in the morning. I really need to find the person in charge of making the schedule and slap them. 8:25 is way to early for a game or for me to exert energy in any way. Water polo is a ton of fun though and we won 9-1! My parents also came up to visit me for the day which was super exciting. They came to watch my soccer games. I had 2 today and it was so nice outside. Sunny and warm with a slight breeze. We won our first  game and lost the second, but I was still proud of my team because we played hard and they did very well. It was nice having my parents there to watch me games. My dad even said to me, "I love watching you play. It always makes me think of the championship game your senior year when you scored that goal and then got MVP." I love having my dad come to my games. In high school it was rare that he every missed one. We really got to bond because of it and he taught me so much.  Anyways, after my games I took a quick shower because I could smell myself (that is never a good sign) and then went to Copper River with my parents and my aunt and uncle for dinner. Now I am exhausted. My feet hurt and I can barely stay awake. So peace and hugs and love and baby bugs.

Oh I just thought of something else. My mom made me a valentine card that was an owl and it said "OWL always love you" bahaha I love my mom so much.

Alright I'm done.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thuper Duper Thursday

Today was the best day ever! No it wasn't. I only said that to get your attention.
I had classes. I only have two classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays: Oral Communication for the Professional and a sewing class. I hate sewing. I hate it sew (see what I did there) much. I only took the class because I needed an elective. I don't recommend it. I feel bad though because I am the only one in my family that hates it. My mom, her mom, my mom's three sisters, and then all of my cousins sew. Whenever our families get together all the women go in the basement and sew. Except me. Can't stand it! I can sew I just choose not to. Anyways, that happened. 
Then I went to work. I watch 7th and 8th graders for an after school care program. They are so crazy and hyper. I constantly wonder if I was that obnoxious when I was there age (yup. probably worse). It's a blast though because I love kids. Most people would get frustrated in the first 5 minutes but I love the craziness. After work I was supposed to have soccer practice, but it was raining. So I told my team (I'm the coach) to meet me somewhere for a quick meeting. No one showed up out of 16 girls. . .of course. Not trying to win games or anything right.
Later I had two girls burst in my room asking me to do their hair and make up for a play tonight. I don't know why people ask me to do these things. I can't do hair to save my life. I can curl it and that's it. So that's what I did and they loved it. I guess I did something right. Or they lied to my face. Typical. 
After all that I had no time for dinner so I ate a bag of popcorn. Look at me dining like royalty at 10pm (foreveralone).

I Just made some cinnamon and honey drink that is supposed to be good for your skin and help you lose weight so. . . fingers crossed. 

Holy junk this drink is horrible. Don't do it. K bye.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


      Well I decided to start my own blog. Why? I have no clue. I guess I thought people would find my random life interesting. So here it is.

      I love the color blue. I pretty much wear some form of blue everyday. My computer, wallet, book bag, iPhone case, bed, and room are all blue. I just love it! I also love to snowboard, wake board, swim, and play soccer, water polo, the piano, and ukulele. I am a lifeguard, an entrepreneur, very outgoing, and love to run around and have a good time. I'm also in college studying Business and Technology and hope to start my own business someday.

     So that is me and I will be posting random things that happen in my life everyday. Hope you enjoy :)